Leaning on the wall of glass
Facial hair
I will let Russ speak for himself. This bio excerpt is lifted from his own website:
Russ Taff was born the fourth of five sons to a fire-breathing Pentecostal preacher father and a gospel music-loving mother. He learned early on that when he sang, people sat up and responded with feeling. Some of his earliest memories are of being balanced on the church altar by his mother’s strong arms while he belted out a gospel chorus to the rollicking encouragement of the tiny congregation. His trademark rich, emotion-drenched vocals were formed in that fertile environment.
Wow, when I was buying this record the other day I had no idea Russ was a man of God. There were clues all over it that I missed. The label is called “Myrrh” and it’s a division of “Word, Inc.” from Waco, Texas.
But the visuals suggest that as much as Russ walks the Path he is ready to walk into a hotel lounge full of chrome and glass blocks.
Russ is a multiple Grammy recipient. You should really visit his site for yourself.